
Alfons has a picture of ‘De Brink’ covered in, oh, 5 centimeters of snow. Not that it’s really a weird or unique happening. It just looks like it hasn’t been snowing like that for years. I mean, as a young kid I remember having plenty of snow over there. Not as much as I have seen recently, but enought to go out with the whole class (nee: school) and have a snowball fight instead of regular physical education.

Imagine a teacher doing that nowadays without being sued. Life was so simple then.

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2 Responses to Snow.

  1. Alan says:

    Aren’t Dutch buildings beautiful? When I worked in Poland, I visited Gdansk a few times and the shipping district, set up by the Dutch, has them as well.

  2. Arthur says:

    Aren’t Dutch buildings beautiful?

    Some of them are yes: particularly the typical ‘traders houses’.

    Gdansk a few times and the shipping district, set up by the Dutch, has them as well.

    Gdansk (how do you pronounce that in English, I wonder) used to be part of the ‘Hanze’, the medieval protectionist Dutch/German/Danish/Polish trade association.

    What I liked about the Brink (originally the central market place of Deventer) is that a couple of years ago, cars were banned from this place, making it genuine attraction during the Summer.

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