Computers, Green and Build

Via Slashdot there was a link pointing to an article, or review, about a new Windows build (Slashdot). A couple of comments: the author tells about the commit rate of the newest Windows version. Megabytes literally. And think of the energy consumption: just right around the corner this article discusses that computers should be more energy saving and generally must become more greener:

“Users should think carefully about whether they really need to buy a new computer; if upgrading the existing machine could serve the same purpose.”

How about that Microsoft?

Secondly, the author of the Windows review article says the following:

The layout is clean and clutter free. Minimal icons are presented on the desktop, which is one of my pet peeves; I go to great lengths to maintain an icon-less desktop

That’s pretty sad. I’m a programmer and I like to have my desktop cluttered.

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