More of this, please

This week’s ‘More of this, please’ recap will not focus on the death of the Pope. For your weekly dose of public grief please visit Metafilter or something.

This week, Canada resumed the annual seal hunt, something that didn’t go over well in other countries. Interestingly in clashes between hunters and protesters, one Dutch citizen was arrested (in Dutch). The Dutch man was a member of the Sea Shepherd organization and he was released of custody (according to the organization’s ‘blog’) .

Next week scholars from around the week will study the impact of the music of The Smiths on our lifes. I’m serious. From the press release of the organizing Manchester Institute of Popular Culture:

“The music of The Smiths contained an emotional depth and a technical virtuosity that moved people in a way that almost no other band has managed before or since. In spite of their enormous cultural significance and personal resonance, The Smiths have yet to receive sustained academic attention. To date, there have been remarkably few serious examinations of the band. The purpose of this symposium is to put that right.”

I’m pretty confident that the collective pessimism in the Eighties have something to do with the music of the Smiths.

Disclaimer: I listened to the music of the Smiths.

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