
I‘ve never been impressed with nowadays virusses. They are all the same. Think of it: if a virus starts over and over again on your Windows computer where do you start to look? Maybe the bad thing about technology is that it makes people forget the basics. It’s the same with trying to get a fire going with two sticks of wood. We forget.

Anyways: this morning CNN was discussing the Sasser worm and the reporter mentioned the reasons for virus writers to write virusses. This one had me laughing:

   First of all, believe it or not, sometimes people create worms or viruses to try and get a job.

There was a case in Holland were a mayor offered a job to a virus writer (who apparently used a ‘virus kit’ to generate his virus). This had many programmers laughing. Carol Costello (the CNN anchor) apparently too:

   It’s just the getting a job thing just has me flamboozled (ph).


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