First of all, as of today, we have finally joined the Daylight Savings time crowd. Somewhere, or earlier I wrote that this week there would be a 4 hours difference between here and the old continent, which wasn’t correct. It was actually 6 hours. My apologies.
While cleaning up the old laptop (the Only Working MyCom MyNote 930 In The World!), I discovered that the modem/Ethernet card (PCMCIA) had given up on me. I’m pretty sure it didn’t come with the laptop: it’s a genuine Dynalink L1456VOC Fax/Modem/Ethernet card, serial number: LM93026584. Its MAC address is: 00-E0-98-14-36-A1. I always wondered what happens with a MAC address that’s going to be ‘outphased’. Should I inform authorities that that card is going to be destroyed? So that its corresponding MAC address can be reused? I can think of a good slogan too: ‘We Reuse MACs’.
Anyhow: it served its needs over all those years.
Cleaning up the 930’s laptop, I noticed that the disk had 3 partitions. Funny: I completely forgot about it. Also, the laptop still has one of those ‘ancient’ 3 1/2″ diskdrives. The last couple of years we have seen these drives (and disks) slowly disappear from the market. It still causes some confusion: most new computers do not have these drives. How to copy a file from one computer to the other? Over the network, you said?
Believe it or not: networking cards, hubs and cables and even USB memory sticks were a lot more expensive back in those days. Today, these things have become so affordable that nobody actually worries about copying files the ‘floppy’ way.