Mugabe and that.

Over at Alan’s, somebody likens the publication ban of 3 testimonies in the Gomery inquiry to Mugabe’s (fraudulent) victory in Zimbabwe.

Mugabe? Canada? Wasn’t Mugabe slapped by Amnesty International because of human rights violations? You know, killing political opponents by the hundreds and uh, rape and that [NSFW]? There must be a logical explanation to this ban:

The presiding judge in the federal sponsorship inquiry slapped a publication ban Tuesday on upcoming testimony by three witnesses, saying intense media coverage could taint the jury pool in their criminal trials.

Taint. Jury. Trial. Oh: Comparing this issue with Mugabe’s fraudulent election win, is truly a kind of a strong remark, so to say.

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5 Responses to Mugabe and that.

  1. Alan says:

    And here I thought you had to pass an intelligence test to get access to the internet. He’ll be gone now as I squished his text.

  2. alfons says:

    A typical example of bad analogy.

  3. Arthur says:

    A typical example of bad analogy.

    Internet analogies at the click of the button!!!!

    I always find it funny when I read Instapundit’s slogan ‘If you’ve got a modem, I’ve got an opinion!’

    That’s exactly where the problem lies. We all should go back to static HTML pages showing only bios and that. And galleries…

  4. Arthur says:

    And here I thought you had to pass an intelligence test to get access to the internet.

    We’re all lawyers here on the Internet :-).

  5. Alan says:

    Pong not Snood.

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