Jemand mußte Josef K. verleumdet haben

And sm_kafka.jpg thus starts the painful road to execution. Anyways, today’s ‘mystery person of the day’ (Encarta) over at Encarta (yeah, yeah, what the hell was I doing there?) is Franz Kafka (Wikipedia).

Note the difference between Wikipedia and Encarta

If you haven’t read The Trial, tough luck. However, feel free to read the original German version. As a sidenote: I keep saying ‘Das Proceß’, while I actually meant ‘Der Proceß’. My German is getting rusty. An additional sidenote: I corrected the entry over at WikiPedia too. It said ‘Der Prozess’. There’s a difference between Prozess and Proceß (like in ‘processed cheese and trial cheese’). Don’t you just love Wikipedia?

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