
Watched ‘House Of Sand and Fog’ (distributed by Dreamworks) today and thought it was a bit over top. Still good but I wonder why it is rated higher than, well, for example ‘City Of Ghosts’, which I thought was more impressive. Additionally, with City Of Ghosts you get Thai songs, which (like with the 4, 5, 6s’ from Kill Bill) make that particular movie.

Earlier, we watched the first Spider-Man movie. According to others I am the last person in the world that watched that movie. I’m not a Spider-man expert, so can somebody explain why there should be a dash between ‘Spider’ and ‘Man’?

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3 Responses to Spinning

  1. Ruben says:

    I haven’t seen Spider-Man yet. :-)

  2. Ruben says:

    By the way, my comic book expert says: “That’s just the way Stan Lee wrote his name. I don’t know that there was any great reason why the dash is there…”

  3. Arthur says:

    I haven’t seen Spider-Man yet. :-)

    So be it: you are the new ‘Last Person Who Has Not Seen Spider-Man Yet’-person. Being such a person requires tremendous amounts of responsibility. Good luck :-).

    “That’s just the way Stan Lee wrote his name. I don’t know that there was any great reason why the dash is there…”

    Hmmm. I can’t wait for the days that the dash will simply vanish, as it once did with e-mail. ‘Spider-Man’ [with the dash] just doesn’t look right.

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