Movies and ivies

Yesterday, I sm_ivies.jpgdiscovered that the DVDs I ordered 4 weeks ago didn’t arrive because of an error in the paperwork. Today, I discovered that I had an account at the same store, something I wasn’t aware of. Weird.

Additionally, we decided to look for dividers for the living room and we ended up at a major furniture store on Robie Street. We did find the ones we wanted, but at the end we walked out with a wicker plant stand, for which we (obviously) needed a plant for.

So we drove through town to find something that would fit in the house or on the plant stand. Something droopy: Which means something that automatically resembles something like an ivy. An ivy! I’m not superstitious, but I embargo anything that looks like or is called ‘ivy’. I do not want to have ivies in my house. They bring bad luck.

Does this entry make sense? Not at all.

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