From Halifax to Brookfield

Earlier this week I had to pick up my (recently) renewed passport. I noticed something that day: while it was nice and reasonably cold in Truro, it was cold in Halifax. Windy, too, but then, it always seems to windy there. I managed to get some Christmas shopping done at the Scotia Mall, which between these lines, I find one of the most boring malls around.

Then that day after, I witnessed an accident while we (colleague and me) were driving on the One-O-Two in the direction of Brookfield. We only saw something grey flashing from the other lane into our lane. My colleague naturally stopped at the scene of the accident, and the next moment both of us (and other witnesses) ran down the ditch to see what could be done.

After an hour waiting game, watching firemen taking out the roof of the car, RCMP officers carrying the box with the cats and medics taking care of the victim (a woman in her fifties), my colleague confirmed that things could have been worse. Surreal. I’ve never seen a car fly from one lane to the other lane, but trust me: with speeds like that, a car plain flies. It could have been worse: if we had left a couple of minutes earlier, you all would be singing a sorry song about poor Arthur.

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