As you can probably guess from the picture beneath this one, we were around Halifax today. It was an overly hot day too: I’ve been wondering if I should buy a kilt myself sooner or later. That is if the sunny weather holds on, naturally: my crystal ball tells me that it’s going to be nice tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday. Yay for science!
Anyways: on the road, I decided to snap pictures randomly. First of all, I was wondering about the legendary claim I once made on that aircraft-on-a-stick around the Aero Business Park. Truth is, it has no stick. Does this still count, Alan? If not, maybe we should plug for a genuine stick? (Hey, I know you really have to look for the plane!)
Secondly, I decided I liked shooting pictures from cars in the mirror. That’s because it’s always challenging to get it right. It worked out pretty OK (as you can tell from above). I wonder if you might be able to deduct the speed of the car from that photo.
That is one lazy-assed jet on a stick.
That is one lazy-assed jet on a stick.
It needs a spare-stick…