The Village’s problem

ThThe Statueinking back about the movie ‘The Village’, the one we saw yesterday, I mesmerized about why it didn’t catch on with me: while the storyline is good, the climax isn’t the climax that’s being expected. The movie doesn’t fullfill its expectations.

Take for example the classic movie ‘The Planet of The Apes’: the most shocking scene is the last scene, where the camera pans to a half-buried statue which the audience immediately recognizes as ‘The Statue of Liberty’. This was a shocking (and dramatic) climax: during the movie, we as viewers were intentionally left thinking that Charlton Heston landed on a planet with a primitive civilization (‘The Apes’). The moment the ‘Statue of Liberty’ comes in the picture, we all suddenly become aware something ‘terrible’ must have happened to Earth.

Of all movies I’ve seen, I haven’t felt the same effect of that particular ‘Statue of Liberty ‘ shot and I’m sure that that’s exactly the problem with ‘The Village’. A shot of Bryce Howard looking shocked in front of high rises would have been more appropriate.

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5 Responses to The Village’s problem

  1. alfons hoogervorst says:

    I kind of liked the movie.

  2. Arthur says:

    I kind of liked the movie.

    I liked it it so-so. From the two seen, I liked Constatine a bit better. Both of them I wouldn’t mark as extraordinary though.

    From the movies seen this year (or in my collection), only The Aviator and Million Dollar Babe stick out.

    Never seen Constatine yet?

  3. alfons hoogervorst says:

    Never saw the Keanu movie.
    I think The Village was an excercise in style: “Don’t over-suspense, and end the movie with a dud”. I liked it. Maybe because Sigourney was in the movie too.

  4. Arthur says:

    Maybe because Sigourney was in the movie too.

    Then you’d probably like SpaceQuest…

  5. alfons hoogervorst says:

    Yeah, I liked that one really.

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