Euros galore

The other day, I was mesmerizing about last year’s trip to the Netherlands. Of that trip, one of the things that amazed me was the fact that we did not have to worry about exchanging all our valuable Canadian bucks into all those different European coins. Despite the problems most Europeans still have because of the devaluation of their previous currencies (Guilders/Marks etc) making life out there pretty expensive, as a tourist myself, I thought it was a blessing for once not to worry about the different coins and banknotes. A German Euro is just the same as a Dutch Euro.

As we wandered from Germany back to Holland (and vice versa), our collection of coins slowly expanded into a mix of German, Dutch, Belgium and France Euros. Which brings me to the Dutch site Eurodiffusie, a site that tries to keep track of the percentages of (different/country) coins European citizens may (or may not) have in their pockets. Browsing throught the country results, one could almost make up the reasons why Belgian citizens would have an equal amount of Dutch/French and German coins. Or that the Dutch are pretty much obsessed with Germans. And the Germans? They’re just like what people generally think of Germans.

Mind you, I said I was making up the reasons of the coin distribution. Looking at the statistical data (the number of volunteers working together), I noticed that there aren’t too many German respondents.

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