Usenet (and other things)

Earlier, I noticed that a Canadian ISP will stop serving UseNet to its customers. The Globe’s Kapica noticed:

I recall one incident, in which a bunch of high-spirited kids decided to invade another newsgroup as a prank. The prank effectively destroyed the target group.

Yes, me too. I’m not yet sure about UseNet’s demise: the programming groups are still frequently sought out. Google nowadays crawls the groups (instead of Deja, back in the days). And naturally, Microsoft’s Netstat still hands out statistics for the interested (personally, the name netstat is a huge mistake).

On the world wide web, Shelley’s notes on her Gmail account attracted attention: The silence around the security issue is (indeed) deafening. I noticed Gmail having several issues last week ranging from ‘miscounting’ unread mail in the Inbox to not being able to check mail.

Hey: the Xbox 360 is supposed to be coming out next Tuesday. Prices are set too. Zellers offers two versions: The premium edition goes for 499,-. The ‘Core edition’ goes for 399. Xbox to the rescue? Not in our budget this year.

ra_ck_spac_humanGoing to Slashdot just a couple of seconds ago, I noticed some similarities between the International Humanists Organization logo and the last Rackspace advertisement. Can you tell the difference?

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