Ice core cold

A teamPretty cold yes of researchers found pretty damning evidence that humans affect the climate. The main portion of their findings:

[it] describes the content of the greenhouse gases within the core and shows that carbon dioxide levels today are 27% higher than they have been in the last 650,000 years and levels of methane, an even more powerful greenhouse gas, are 130% higher

650,000 years. That’s a pretty cold ice cube for your pop.

Update: The graphs (via Metafilter).
Update 1: Even better graph (previous one had the actual spike missing)

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2 Responses to Ice core cold

  1. alfons hoogervorst says:

    That graph there isn’t complete, and had me thinking what the fuss was about: It only proves that there are cycles of humpteen years.
    The graph here is complete. Notice the 380ppm CO2 concentration at the left end of the graph which was missing in the other graph.

  2. Arthur says:

    Notice the 380ppm CO2 concentration at the left end of the graph which was missing in the other graph.

    You’re right.

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