More of the same, or not.

Another gem in the War of the Words, found via Crooks and Liars. Words that come from William Kristol, apparently one of the founders of PNAC, the New American Century. In this case, Kristol was highly critical of remarks made by Democratic whip Nancy Pelosi. Kristol writes:

“It is possible that the situation in Iraq will worsen over the next year….But it is much more likely that the situation in Iraq will stay more or less the same, or improve.”

Lets say it this way: statistically speaking, there’s a 50 percent chance of choosing ‘Yes’ if the only other option is ‘No’. 50 Percent just sounds a whole lot better that way and it’s mathematically correct too.

update: I also find the following words extremely offensive to my intelligence: “But it is much more likely that the situation in Iraq will stay more or less the same”.

Doesn’t that literally mean that Kristof admits things are going bad in Iraq?

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