Give it up already! Snowstorm #2 is hitting us tonight and tomorrow morning, with once again, 20cms and higher. Watch! Me! Shovel! Snow! Blech. I’d be a millionaire for every inch of snow I moved.
Incidentally, I noticed a couple of disturbing patterns re: snowstorms:
- Snowstorms only happen at night! That’s because you can’t really see snowflakes during the day. They’re really vain you know.
- Big movies always premiere on snowstorm days. That’s because when it’s storming nobody really wants to be stuck at home. And movie companies know this.
- There’s a linear relationship between the amount of snow and the physical location of a body we (here) name A. When A moves northward, there’s less snow to be detected. When A stays around the same area (SnowΔν↔∞), snow appears to stick around too.
- When my brother sends highly descriptive messages with subjects like ‘Yo’ or ‘Re: Yo’, it is more likely that we get huge amounts of snow.
I’m still working on the right formula for the best approach to shovel and move huge amounts of snow. I keep you posted.