While rescuing and rebuilding xsamplex here on hoogervorst.ca, I pondered switching to a different weblog engine. I was prepared to start completely from scratch, discarding any result any searchengine would return when people look for existing entries previously found on Alfons’ Doubtful. After all, I figured, there are more important matters than maintaining ‘google-juice’ or ‘link-credit’. Like getting a life, for example.
So, while I was checking out the main systempages of WordPress this morning, checking out the code and inner workings, I wondered why I didn’t go with another engine, like NucleusCMS. WordPress? It’s Code-mess. It’s one giant step in the wrong direction particularly concerning efficiency.
There’s more to that, and that’s the fable that generating pages on the fly is more efficient than providing static pages. It isn’t. No matter what people argue, it isn’t. Think of it what happens when you press the refresh on this page: 6-10 separate queries are executed and then returned to PHP. Each time.
Here’s the hint: if those 6 or 10 queries could be put in one separate query, how many connections do we need to open? If all those 6-10 separate queries were indeed using one connection, how much time would we save if we had our database carefully designed?
No wonder people end up with bandwidth problems.