
I‘ve not really paid attention to the Google China debacle, which reached a climax over at SearchEngineWatch:

By the way, spell tianamen wrong, and you’ll get uncensored results on Google China. Be forewarned, one of these images will be of a dead person in Tiananmen Square after the protest there was crushed.

I’m not sure what the percentage of English speaking Chinese people is (let alone, how much of the population has access to a computer) but I can’t imagine them knowing how to spell Tiananmen in English. Logograms, anyone? And oh: Ever seen a Chinese keyboard?

That doesn’t take away the fact that Google does some censoring: if you use the Chinese literals for ‘Tiananmen’ on both Google.com and Google.cn (images), you’ll end up with two different looking pages with different pictures. But think of it again: If you attract a large audience on your ‘Search Engine blog’, you must be an expert!

1“The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”

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