Google Pages, RSS, Sets

Everybody and the other was talking about ‘Google Pages’ today. Might just as well point you to the discussions at Metafilter, Slashdot and Digg. I’m not impressed with what it has to offer, but the technology behind it is pretty neat. Frontpage is out, hail Google Pages.

Did you think the ‘RSS wars’ were over? You’re wrong. It’s all going to be old business again. So many links and not enough popcorn! (I admit, last link is best).

Via one of the links above, I rediscovered ‘Google Sets’, a tool that predicts sets of items based on examples provided by the user. Weird stuff. Addictive.

And last but not least: has anyone ever noticed that Roland appears to have gone out of the SoundCanvas business? Or maybe I’m missing something1?

1 I guess Edirol is taking care of that portion.

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