Truth, Justice and whichever Way you want it

Via SuperUNManAccordeon Guy, a link to the Indian Superman, apparently not sanctioned by the official copyright and trademark holders.

The Indian movie doesn’t particularly impress or something, nor do I think it’s particularly funny. Most likely, the (typical) Indian jokes are beyond me: Maybe Indian people have something with big ladies and planes. The movie also enforces the stereotype that only women travel by plane because, well, if the plane is hijacked do you think men would scream? Compare that with our Western viewpoint, where Superman is always a cute guy who gets the cute girls. Naturally he only fights for Truth, Justice and The American Way. Uh, Oh. Slippery Slope Ahead.

We can always provide safe haven to the Superhero from Canadakryptonite. However, we definitely don’t want him to interfere in our Middle East mission. We have Spider-Man for that. And Superman was Jewish, anyways.

Maybe we should get rid of the American Way part in Superman’s slogan. I’d like to see the UN more involved in this Superman business: Truth, Justice and The United Way. Uh, make that Truth, Justice and Whichever Way. The Super-UN-man.

Update: Writing about superman makes me hungry. This Superman needs some more chocolate sandwiches.

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