Monthly Archives: September 2003

Search engines: the next war?

Over at Reuters an article about Microsoft and their ambitions to sidetrack Google, the ever-popular search engine. The company is pretty confident too. Says a strategist of Microsoft:    “The decision to build or buy came down to our ability to … Continue reading

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Breads and yeast foodfight

I went to the store to pick up some yeast (traditional type), sesame and poppy seed, but upon arriving home I found out that the package of poppy seed wasn’t there in the bag. Must have lost it in the … Continue reading

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Back to capsules?

Reuters reports that NASA is thinking of replacing the shuttles with next-generation Apollo-type capsules. Under pressure to ensure safe manned spaceflight and space transport, the agency said it is looking in the option to use capsules as a viable alternative … Continue reading

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While cleaning up the harddrive I bumped into a couple of old RAM files. Most of them were snippets of old recordings, once used for a webpage from the olden times. Some of them were of pretty good quality, actually … Continue reading

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You’ve got a new name!

AOL Time Warner is planning to ditch the AOL in their name. So does this mean that the executives finally admit that the whole merger was a big mistake, I wonder. The funny thing is that it appears to be … Continue reading

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Your Canadian idol

Canadian Idol, naturally, smashed Canadian records. The 2 hour sitcom show will probably make into today’s hot topic of the day, most likely replacing regular number one topic, the nation’s weather (Calgary = snow!, Ontario = Isabel). The Globe has … Continue reading

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I salute you, Gamelan Pacifica, for blending the voices of instruments and humans, just like an original Gamelan troupe. I salute you, Gamelan Sekar Jaya, for dedicating yourself to the presentation of traditional and contemporary Balinese performing arts. I salute … Continue reading

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Bike, life and death

I was going to add Ken Kifer’s Bike pages to the Elsewhere links, after reading the thread at Metafilter that he was killed in an accident. Highly unfortunate circumstances he died in, so might just as well add it to … Continue reading

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Storming Isabel

Isabel, the tropical storm currently beating the Caribean, is gearing up for the East coast. That is the US East Coast of course, but there is a possibility that it will be moving up towards Ontario and Quebec (however, it … Continue reading

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Greek borrowed Egyptian numbers

A Canadian researcher says that Greek alphabetical numerals and Egyptian demotic numerals (what is this?) have so many striking similarities, suggesting that the Greek probably borrowed knowledge from their Egyptian masters. Earlier it was thought that the Greek system was … Continue reading

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Canadian idol

I wasn’t planning to mention this, but since it’s on Canadian TV repeatedly, the final for Canadian Idol will be on tonight. I’ll be the first one to say that I haven’t followed the complete show, basically because I’m not … Continue reading

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Money, money, money

For no particular reason, I was looking around for scans of banknotes, probably driven by a link over at Metafilter (‘Ever seen a $100,000 bill?‘). I ended up looking for the Dutch 25 and 100 guilders bills. The first one … Continue reading

Posted in Truro NS | Comments Off on Money, money, money


A picture over at the Gothamist, of the NYC’s Gansevoort market, reminds me of a city in the east of The Netherlands, that is Deventer. For some kind of reason I thought I recognized ‘De Waag ‘ (The Scale) on … Continue reading

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