Be My Valentine

PSP X - Intermediate Level

Supplies Needed:

Valentine & Tubes
Filters - Simple

1) Open Rose image, Duplicate, Close original. Copy
2) Add 100 pixel black border, select with Magic Wand
3) Effects. Plugins>Simple> Quarter Corner> Default setting. Deselect

4) In foreground choose a red from the rose
5) Select white area with Magic Wand,
Selections> Selections Modify> Expand> 3,
Flood Fill with foreground colour
6) Effects>3D>Inner Bevel see screen shot, Deselect

7) Activate Heart Tube, Copy and Paste as new Selection onto image,
place in top left hand corner just over lapping the rose image.
Do not deselect
8) Effects>3D> Inner Bevel same settings,
Copy, Paste as New selection place bottom right just overlapping the rose image
9) Repeat Inner Bevel

10) Add a 30 pixel Red Border
11) New Raster Layer
12) Open Lace Tube, Copy.
[Don’t worry about the black background it there to show the lace]

13) With Mover Tool place lace at the top bringing bottom edge close to the black, Deselect
14) Layers> Duplicate> Image Flip, New Raster Layer
15) Activate lace tube, Image> Rotate Right> Copy>
Paste as New Selection.With Mover Tool place close to the side edge
Deselect. Layers Duplicate>Image Mirror.
Layers>Merge All. Layers> New Raster Layer

16) Activate Heart Tube> Image resize 50%, Repeat resize
17) Effects >Inner Bevel same settings, Repeat Inner Bevel, Copy
18) Activate Image, Paste Heart Tube as New selection,
With Mover Tool place on top left corner over the lace, Deselect
19) Effects>Plugins >Simple>Top Left Mirror.
What an easy way to place your corners!
20) Layer> Merge All
21) Add Text, sign or watermark, Resize, Optimise and save as JPEG

Thank you for doing my tutorial and I hope you have enjoyed it!
