Violin and Flowers

PSP 7 - Intermediate Level

Supplies Needed:

Dragonfly - Sinedots Filter
Xero Filter - Porcelain
Image below

In this tutorial, we are going to change the colours
in a bright image to more subtle and pleasing tones.

1) Duplicate image, close original

2) Effects> Artistic Effects> Sepia> Amount to age >70

You will notice traces of pinkish colour on the left hand side of image,
to eliminate these we will use the Retouch Tool.

3) Open the Retouch Tool, (designated by hand pointing downwards)
Shape-Round>Size 35>Hardness 42>Opacity 82>Step 25>Density 57>Retouch mode - Smudge.

Gently smudge the grey shade over the unwanted pink tone. Be sure to smudge grey to pink,
if you smudge pink to grey you will spread the pink instead of eliminating it.

4) Effects>Plugins>Xero>Porcelain>See screenshot below:

5) Image >Resize>80%

6) Background colour AB8793, add 40 pixel border.
Select with Magic Wand>Tolerance0>Feather0>sample merged unchecked.

7) Effects>Plugins>Dragonfly>Sinedots - see screen shot below - Repeat Sinedots

8) Effects >3D>Width 8>Smoothness 40>Depth 2>Ambience 0>shininess10>
Angle 315>Intensiy 50>Elevation 20, Deselect.

9) Selections> Select All>Selections> Modify>Contract> 40 pixels.

10) Effects> 3 D>Cutout> Vertical 3>Horizontal 3> Opacity 64>Blur 33.

11) Deselect.

12) Add decorative corners if desired.

13) Sign, resize, Clarify, Optimise and Save as Jpeg

Thank you for doing my tutorial and I hope you have enjoyed it!
